Black Rock City - Burning Man

My cousin told me about this amazing event, festival, city, that he read about somewhere. It's really so unique I dnt know what to call it. Neither I or him have been, but I guarantee that after you read this your gonna want to go as much as we do.
"Black Rock City" is a temporary city built each year for the Burning Man festival, in the Black Rock Desert (BRD) of northeast Nevada, 150km away from any sort of civilisation.
40,000 people make a long and dangerous journey to the black rock deseart and during a week build and run a semicircular city, that is self sufiscient and unlike anything I've ever heard of. The city is filled with unparalleled life, where everyone participates and helps run the city. Numerous Art instalations and exhibitions are held, the city runs on ordered chaos, radical freedom of expression, as self relience. There are bathrooms, hospital facilities and 7 daily newspapers produced and distributed by everyone, there is no currency in black rock city, either things are for free or tradable and participants make it there duty to leave no trace of the event after it. Regulars call themselves "Burners".

The culmination of the festival is held on the sixth night of the event where a 25meter high sculpture of a man is burnt.
The event is not merely held as a festival but as an experimental community.
There is much more to be said about this extraordinary city. Visit:,,
Seriousely amazing.
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