Saddam Hussein Executed 29/12/06

I am against the death penalty but if there was ever a viable candidate this was him.
On a different note: Since youtube was bought out by google (which is taking over the virtual universe) videos have begun being censored. It is the laws by which google must oblige that commit them to censorship, but I am seriousely against any type of censorship on the internet.
It is the only area of our lives that up untill recently was truely free of any sort of boundries, thats what makes the internet what it is. There will be arguments and dicisions made reguarding this issue, but who is entitled to make them? ...Noone. It will come down to what figures of "power" agree upon reguarding: morality, whether it is "apropriate" or not... pathetic. It would disgust me to see even our virtual freedom shutdown.
This all relevant coz i couldnt find the already clean version, the one played on CNN, of Saddams execution on youtube they had been "removed by the user".
A final note: This date is history, we witnessed it and will talk of it to our children and grandchildren which already has significance enough but lets hope times will have changed by then coz today, 2006, we live in a time an age where execution is acceptable.